
Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Change Your Life


OK, you may not be able to change everyone's attitude (wouldn't it be great if we could?), but you can do something about your own. And if you have a good attitude, you could have a positive impact on someone else:

Thankya, thankyaverymuch: Be sure to say thanks for a job well done, whether it's a fast- food employee who got your order right or a customer- service representative who handled your problem

Don't assume it's always about you: If someone makes a rude comment, cuts you off in traffic or jumps ahead in line at the grocery store, don't take it personally. Remember, he or she may be in the middle of a personal crisis or just having a bad day. But don't let it ruin your day.

Just listen: When you notice someone is having a rotten day, why not ask them how things are going or ask if you can do anything? Sometimes, just knowing somebody cares enough to ask -- and is willing to lend an ear -- makes all the difference. After venting a few minutes, he or she might just feel better.

Start day on a positive note: Listen to positive music, read something inspirational before leaving home for work or school -- or just a trip to the mall.

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