
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Positif attitude when you get Mesothelioma

In the following survival framework, there are four steps that are necessary in order to cultivate the desire to continue living and a determination to fight meslthelioma cancer while at the same time keeping a realistic and positive quality of life.
Curse it. It's considered normal and healthy to be upset and downright angry about your medical condition. Anyone with cancer of any type is going to be in a rage about their cancer, whether he or she is consciously aware of this or not. Anger and rage are forms of energy that should be expressed unless they become destructive to others or to oneself. Why should these emotions be discharged? Because surpressing them may create undesired and harmful conditions such as emotional paralysis, depression, withdrawal, or suicide.

Bear it. Face the truth, no matter how difficult this is. This requires avoiding denial, wishful thinking, feeling sorry for oneself, living as if you have become a victim, or blaming yourself for your disease. It is very important to avoid continuous negative thinking. In short, a negative attitude can actually become an emotional malignancy that will compound your physical maligancy.

Combat it. After you face and accept your medical condition and its implications, you are in a better position to battle your disease and optimize your chance of recovery, both physically and emotionally. Seek out the best possible medical treatment rather than simply going through the motions with less than optimal treatment.

Laugh at it. People who work with cancer patients often discuss the therapeutic importance of laughter and a good sense of humor. A good laugh can actually make a person with this disease feel better about life, both from a physical and an emotional perspective. From a
mesothelioma research standpoint, it has been shown that humor helps in the healing process by bolstering the immune system. In other words, your outlook can make a tremendous difference in the healing process---so laugh and try to be happy

If you have mesothelioma or another form of cancer, make it a point on a daily basis to watch funny movies, videos, re-runs, and comedies that keep you laughing. Go to your local library and find joke books or stories about comedians. Become a master at finding funny and positive things in life that help you keep your spirits positive.

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